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Chaoqun Zou, 2008-08-11 16:21
ezFAQ Plugin (current version 0.0.1)¶
A FAQ management plugin to collect the frequently asked questions.
Using ezFAQ, you can add a question, assign someone to answer it, or modify the answer, ezFAQ will record each modifications.
Further more, ezFAQ can send notify email to the assigned user(version 0.0.2), and generate a pdf document of all the valid FAQs(version 0.0.3).
It can be downloaded from github:
To install from git:¶
(Git Version < 1.5.3)
cd {RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins git clone git://
(Git Version >= 1.5.3 -- Because the "git-rails" gem uses Git Submodules introduced in ver. 1.5.3)
gem install git-rails git-rails git-rails install git://
Plugin setup¶
1. Install will_paginate gem
gem install will_paginate
2. Add will_paginate to the last of enviroment.rb
require 'will_paginate'
3. Copy the plugin directory(ezfaq_plugin) into the vendor/plugins directory
4. Migrate plugin:
rake db:migrate_plugins
5. Start Redmine
6. In your project in Redmine, go to "Project settings" :
On the "Modules" tab, enable the module by checking "Ezfaq".
Using ezFAQ¶
1. Registered users can add new faqs by click the 'New FAQ' link.
2. Privileged users can modify faqs, modify faq categories by click the appropriate link.
3. Privileged users can modify the FAQ list's note which will be export to the pdf document.
4. When a faq is created and assigned to someone, the assigned user will receive a notify email to complete the answer.
Updated by Chaoqun Zou over 16 years ago · 2 revisions