



PluginGraphs » History » Revision 3

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Uwe Koloska, 2009-06-14 01:17
added pointer to the 0.8 compatible version

Graphs Plugin

This is a plugin for Redmine provides additional graphs for the system. As of the first release, the following graphs are included.

  • Version completion (total issues vs closed issues over time in a single version)
  • Open aging issues (by creation date and last updated date)
  • Total issues over time (all issues over time)



  1. Download the archive file and extract it to your vendor/plugins folder. You can also download directly from GitHub using git: git clone git:// vendor/plugins/redmine_graphs (a version for redmine 0.8 is available from git://
  2. Follow the Redmine plugin installation steps.


Zip file

  1. Download the latest release file
  2. Remove the old installation from your vendor/plugins folder
  3. Unzip the file to your Redmine into vendor/plugins
  4. Restart your Redmine instance


  1. Open a shell to your Redmine's vendor/plugins/redmine_graphs folder
  2. Update your git copy with git pull
  3. Restart your Redmine instance


This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v2. See COPYRIGHT.txt and GPL.txt for details.


  • 0.1.0 Release announcement (2009-03-19)
  • a version compatible with redmine 0.8 is available on github (2009-06-14)

Updated by Uwe Koloska over 15 years ago · 3 revisions