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Roland Laussat, 2013-10-29 03:10
Installing Redmine on OS X 10.9 Mavericks Server¶
This is a quick summary of the necessary steps for a simple install of Redmine on Apple OS X Mavericks Server 10.9. This is slightly different from the install for Snow Leopard Server. This is meant only as a supplement, not a replacement, to the official install guide found here.
Install Prerequisites¶
- Xcode 5 and MySQL Server
Get Xcode 5 from the Mac App Store or register for a free account and download from:
Next, install the command line-tools via Terminal:
xcode-select install
Then install MySQL Community Server - get it from (get the Mac OS X 10.7 64-bit DMG archive).
It will install a nifty little preference pane to start and stop the MySQL server.
Because the installer doesn't set a root password during the installation, you've got to set it with mysqladmin:
mysqladmin -u root password "newpwd"
Next, login to mysql and create the database:
mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE redmine CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci
Grant root user full privileges on the database:
GRANT ALL PRIVLEGES ON redmine.* TO root@localhost IDENTIFIED BY password;
The Redmine installer expects the MySQL client library in a different place, so you need to create a symbolic link to the original location:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/lib/libmysqlclienrt.18.dylib
- Redmine Prerequisites
Redmine is built on Ruby which comes with Xcode, but some gems are missing:
sudo gem install rails bundler passenger
Next, use passenger to build the apache2-passenger module:
sudo passenger-install-apache2-module
This will output three lines of code that you'll have to add to your Apache configuration - in OS X Mavericks it's necessary to edit two files:
Simply add the lines to the end of your Apache configuration files.
Finally, OS X Mavericks has a problem to install the rmagick gem which is optional for a successful installation of Redmine, but if you want to display images and charts it's necessary.
Get the following packages:
ImageMagick - (Note there are two versions, one with free type which requires XQuartz to be installed - the basic version is sufficient.)
Pgkconfig -
rmagick - (sometimes the download during installation fails, it's easier to have it stored locally)
Install ImageMagick and Pkgconfig, both should be installed in the /opt directory by default.
Because Pkgconfig doesn't add the path to the executable during the installation, you have to export the path variable:
export PATH=/opt/pkgconfig/bin:$PATH
The following command should install the rmagick gem without errors (if it fails please check the paths to MagickCore.pc and MagickWand.h):
sudo C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/ImageMagick/include/ImageMagick-6/ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/ImageMagick/lib/pkgconfig/ gem install --local ~/Downloads/rmagick-2.13.2
(Assuming rmagick has been downloaded to your Downloads directory)
Install Redmine¶
Get the latest stable build of Redmine and move the redmine directory to your web server root folder.- Configure Redmine
cd /Library/WebServer/Sites/redmine
sudo mkdir tmp public/plugin_assets
sudo chown -R www:www tmp public/plugin_assets log files
sudo chmod -R 755 files log tmp public/plugin_assets
sudo cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Edit database.yml, e.g.production: adapter: mysql database: redmine host: localhost username: redmine password: MYPASSWORD socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
- Run Bundler:
sudo bundle install --without development test
Assuming the installation finished without errors you can generate the secret token:sudo rake generate_secret_token
Next steps:sudo RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
sudo RAILS_ENV=production rake redmine:load_default_data
Last but not least you need to point Apache to the public folder inside the red mine directory to serve Redmine as a website.
Please make sure you tick Allow overrides using .htaccess file in the advanced settings of your website configuration.
For further information please see
HowTo Install Redmine on Mac OS X Server 10.6 Snow Leopard
HowTo Install Redmine on Mac OS X Lion Server
in case some details are missing here.
Updated by Roland Laussat over 11 years ago · 6 revisions