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Anthony Cartmell, 2009-07-30 10:21
Changes to the Editing an existing issue to make it clearer and hopefully easier to discover.

Issue Tracking

Issues are the heart of the Redmine business. An issue is bound to a project, owned by a user, can be related to a version, etc.

Adding a new issue

People can create a new issue when they meet the roles and permissions configured by the Redmine Administrator (Role: Issue Tracking > Add Issues).
When creating a new issue, one of the most important items is the tracker field, which defines the nature of the issue. By default, Redmine comes with three different trackers: bug, feature, and support.

Updating an existing issue

(TODO: describe and upload a screen-shot of update panel)

Editing an existing issue's Subject or Description

In order to edit an existing issue, your role has to have the Issue Tracking > Edit Issues right. This right give you a (More) link after the Change Properties section title in the "Update issue" panel.

Clicking on the (More) link will bring-up an editable copy of the Subject and Description of the issue.

Updated by Anthony Cartmell almost 15 years ago · 5 revisions