RedmineRepositoryStatistics » History » Version 6
Go MAEDA, 2019-01-07 01:35
Redmine 4.0 does not generage SVG images (#26253)
1 | 1 | Felix Dominguez | h1. Repository Statistics |
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3 | 3 | Mischa The Evil | !>redmine-statistics.jpg! |
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5 | 6 | Go MAEDA | Redmine generates two images representing the number of _Changes_ and the number of _Revisions_ in the configured repository. One image shows a month to month break down of _Changes_ vs _Revisions_. The other image shows the number of _Changes_ and _Revisions_ made by each commiter. |
6 | 1 | Felix Dominguez | |
7 | h2. Definitions |
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9 | 2 | Felix Dominguez | * _Revisions_ is a count of repository commits and is displayed in redish/orange. |
10 | 1 | Felix Dominguez | * _Changes_ is a count of the number of files that have changed overall and is displayed in blue. |