


Rest api with java » History » Revision 16

Revision 15 (Alex Last, 2014-09-15 01:30) → Revision 16/19 (Leonardo Pacheco, 2015-01-22 21:19)

h1. Using the REST API with Java 

 h2. Jredmine 

 "Jredmine": (implements its own redmine plugin and correspodnsing java client - more other/features than redmine rest api) 

 h2. redmine-jconnector 

 "redmine-jconnector": (only until redmine 1.4 using REST API) 

 h2. Redmine Java API library from taskadapter 

 "Redmine Java API library": is a FREE third-party Java library that can be used to access the Redmine API. It is released under Apache 2 open-source license. (support until Redmine 2.6.0 2.3 using REST API) 

 Sample usage: 


	 String uri = ""; 
	 String apiAccessKey = "a3221bfcef5750219bd0a2df69519416dba17fc9"; 
	 String projectKey = "taskconnector-test"; 
	 Integer queryId = null; // any 
         RedmineManager mgr = RedmineManagerFactory.createWithApiKey(uri, apiAccessKey); 
         IssueManager issueManager = mgr.getIssueManager(); 
         List<Issue> issues = issueManager.getIssues(projectKey, queryId); 
         for (Issue issue : issues) { 

         // Create issue 
	 Issue issueToCreate = IssueFactory.createWithSubject("some subject"); 
	 Issue createdIssue = issueManager.createIssue(projectKey , issueToCreate); 

         // Get issue by ID: 

	 Issue issue = issueManager.getIssueById(123); 