Using the REST API with Perl¶
The followings are Perl scripts that demonstrate how to use the Redmine REST API. They guess file encodings from the locale environment variables. See open for more details.
# restget : GET a representation of a REST resource
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON;
use open ':locale'; # probe the locale environment variables like LANG
print STDERR <<"EOM";
usage : $0 [-p] [-k API_KEY] url
-p: pretty print
-k API_KEY: API Access Key
exit 0;
our ($opt_p, $opt_k);
getopts('pk:') or HELP_MESSAGE();
my $url = shift;
HELP_MESSAGE() unless $url;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->timeout(10); # default: 180sec
$ua->ssl_opts( verify_hostname => 0 ); # skip hostname verification
$ua->default_header('X-Redmine-API-Key' => $opt_k) if $opt_k;
my $res = $ua->get($url);
die $res->message if $res->is_error;
my $content = $res->content;
utf8::decode($content); # convert UTF-8 binary to text
if ($opt_p) { # pretty print
my $perl_ref = from_json($content);
print to_json($perl_ref, {pretty=>1});
} else {
print $content, "\n";
exit 0;
my $perl_ref = from_json($content);
Here a Perl reference" $perl_ref
is a reference to a whole data structure parsed.
Usage examples:
./restget -k 57acc39afc967564aa79a6bd329897d7040a9bc8
The next commands put a textile table into the clipboard.
./restget | perl -MJSON -nle 'for $v (sort{$a->{name} cmp $b->{name}}@{decode_json($_)->{versions}}){$d=$v->{description};print qq/|version:"$v->{name}"|$d|/ if $d}' > /dev/clipboard
You can paste it on your Wiki page as follows.
0.7.1 | Bug fix release |
0.7.2 | Bug fix release |
0.7.3 | Security+Bug fix release |
0.9.0 | 0.9 release candidate 1 |
0.9.6 | Security release |
1.0.1 | Bug fixes for the 1.0.0 RC - (Estimated release date) |
1.2.3 | Bug fix release for the 1.2.x serie |
1.3.1 | Maintenance release |
1.4.3 | Maintenance release |
1.4.7 | security release |
2.0.2 | Maintenance release |
2.6.10 | For Rails 3.2 due to JRuby Nokogiri/Loofah does not support Rails 4.2 |
Candidate for next major release | Features that the contributors would like to add in the next major version |
Candidate for next minor release | Fixes that the contributors would like to add in the next minor version |
version:"Unplanned" | Features that the core contributors of Redmine would like to add in a future version |
# restput : PUT a representation of a REST resource
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use open ':locale'; # probe the locale environment variables like LANG
print STDERR <<"EOM";
usage : $0 [-p API_KEY] url [files...]
-k API_KEY: API Access Key
exit 0;
our ($opt_k);
getopts('k:') or HELP_MESSAGE();
my $url = shift;
HELP_MESSAGE() unless $url;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->timeout(10); # default: 180sec
$ua->ssl_opts( verify_hostname => 0 ); # skip hostname verification
$ua->default_header('X-Redmine-API-Key' => $opt_k) if $opt_k;
my $content;
local $/;
$content = <>; # gets whole input
utf8::encode($content); # convert UTF-8 binary to text
my $res = $ua->put($url,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
'Content' => $content);
die $res->message if $res->is_error;
print $res->content();
exit 0;
Usage examples:
# change my name
echo '{"user":{"firstname":"James","lastname":"Bond"}}' | ./restput -k 57acc39afc967564aa79a6bd329897d7040a9bc8
The following script converts a Wiki content to JSON format.
# restwiki : convert a Wiki content to JSON format
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use JSON;
use open ':locale';
print STDERR <<"EOM";
usage : $0 [-c comment] [files...]
-c : comment
exit 0;
our ($opt_c);
getopts('c:') or HELP_MESSAGE();
my $ref;
local $/; # enable slurp mode
$ref->{wiki_page}->{text} = <>;
$ref->{wiki_page}->{comments} = $opt_c if $opt_c;
print to_json($ref);
exit 0;
The following commands create or update a Wiki page "Test Page".
./restwiki foo | ./restput -k 57acc39afc967564aa79a6bd329897d7040a9bc8 http://my.redmine.local/projects/test-project/wiki/Test_Page.json
You, a one-liner, may want to do as follows;
perl -MJSON -e 'local $/;$ref->{wiki_page}->{text} = <>;print to_json($ref)' foo | ./restput -k 57acc39afc967564aa79a6bd329897d7040a9bc8 http://my.redmine.local/projects/test-project/wiki/Test_Page.json
Updated by Hiroo Hayashi almost 9 years ago · 2 revisions