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Ivan Bagaev, 2016-04-02 18:04

Затраченное время - подробно

Оригинал: Redmine Timelog Details v.13


After building a set of time entries through Redmine the Timelog Details page can help show running totals of time against a project.

The Timelog Details page is accessible from the Overview > Spent Time > Details menu.
Note that the timelog feature is available only when the project's "Time tracking" module is activated.


Shares the same search interface as RedmineTimelogReport

Интерфейс для поиска записи о затраченном времени


By default the detail time log shows all time entries in the system.

From top to bottom in the image
  • Total time result of the search
  • pagination table of time entries
    • sortable columns
  • Atom and CSV format available

Notice the bottom line has no issue, it was logged against the project.

Links work the same as the rest of the wiki; closed issues have strike through applied to them.

HTML output

пример набора задач

CSV output

A sample CSV output of the above time entries (and attached):

Date User Activity Project Issue Tracker Subject Hours Comment
09/24/2010 Test Developer Testing Developers 10 Bug Bug Report from Test user 0.333333 make sure the changes work
09/23/2010 Test Developer Development Developers 10 Bug Bug Report from Test user 1.0 Doing the actual coding
09/23/2010 Test Developer Implementation Developers 11 Feature Build a bridge 2.0 showing a closed issue
09/22/2010 Test Developer Research Developers 10 Bug Bug Report from Test user 0.333333 what are the problems with this bug
09/22/2010 Test Developer Design Developers 10 Bug Bug Report from Test user 1.0 Designing an elegant solution
09/21/2010 Test Developer Support Developers 1.0 Create this project and demo issue

Updated by Ivan Bagaev over 8 years ago · 1 revisions