



TeamLeadMeeting2 » History » Revision 1

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Eric Davis, 2010-06-15 00:03
Setting up DevMeeting2


Meeting of Team Leaders
May 19th 1300 UTC


  • Team Leaders checkin and report activity and other updates
  • Rollover topics for the next meeting
  • Bugmash 1.0
  • Bug triage and feature planning
    • What to do with old bugs? Old support requests? Old but duplicated requests? When to consider stuff outdated?
    • How to decide what is in scope for Redmine? For official plugins? Third party plugins?
  • User Support: Redmine install guides (common platforms/env)
  • Cross team communication (e.g. if UX team needs some development done, how should that work)
  • Fixing permissions on
  • Fixing the Redmine forums
  • Plugin Directory
  • Themes
  • Making #redmine IRC more officially sanctioned
  • Blog

Committed Attendee List

IRC nick Real Name
edavis10 Eric Davis

Updated by Eric Davis about 14 years ago · 1 revisions