ThemeSqueejee » History » Version 1
Mischa The Evil, 2009-03-24 09:41
Initial version of the page
1 | 1 | Mischa The Evil | h1. Squeejee theme |
2 | |||
3 | A theme for Redmine which is based on a dark but "shiny" color-scheme and which includes a subtle (re)styled project-menu. |
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5 | h2. Packager, contributor and maintainer |
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7 | * Mischa The Evil |
8 | |||
9 | h2. Initial author |
10 | |||
11 | * "Wynn Netherland": |
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13 | h2. History |
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15 | For the complete history of the theme's creation you could see "this forum-thread": |
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17 | h2. Description |
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19 | The Squeejee© theme is an updated, packaged release of Wynn Netherland's work for "Squeejee's": internal Redmine instance. It initially was a heavily modified derivation of the [[ThemeAlternate|alternate theme]] which required Redmine core hacks but is made stand-alone and working without core hacks (by using the core's support for project-menu item styling (r2059)) for this release. |
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21 | It's looks can be best described as a dark theme with gradient backgrounds, dark-gray and bold links, but all with a "shiny" and "friendly" touch. It reintroduces the project-menu item-icons with the extension that styling of third-party plugins (including selected icons) is supported too. |
22 | Also the overflow to a second line of the project-menu, when using a lot of plugins with menu-items, is handled without disturbing the surrounding layout and elements. |
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24 | The colour-scheme basically consists of three basic colours: black, grey and white. |
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26 | It includes: |
27 | * issue-colouring in the issuelist based on issue's priority |
28 | * more sophistically styled "tabs", "tables", etc. |
29 | * support for third-party plugins |
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31 | h2. Screenshots |
32 | |||
33 | |=. *Home* |=. *Project overview* | |
34 | | !home-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/????/home-800x600.jpg | !overview-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/????/overview-800x600.jpg | |
35 | |||
36 | |=. *Project roadmap* |=. *Project issuelist* | |
37 | | !roadmap-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/????/roadmap-800x600.jpg | !issuelist-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/????/issuelist-800x600.jpg | |
38 | |||
39 | |=. *Issue* |=. *Issue journal* | |
40 | | !issue-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/????/issue-800x600.jpg | !issue_journal-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/????/issue_journal-800x600.jpg | |
41 | |||
42 | |=. *Repository* |=. *2nd project-menu line + plugin support* | |
43 | | !repository-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/????/repository-800x600.jpg | !2nd_projectmenu_line_and_3pd_support-480x360.jpg!:/attachments/????/2nd_projectmenu_line_and_3pd_support-800x600.jpg | |
44 | |||
45 | h2. Compatibility |
46 | |||
47 | h3. Redmine |
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49 | The theme is compatible with Redmine 0.7.x, 0.8.x and the bleeding-edge in the trunk. |
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51 | h3. Browsers |
52 | |||
53 | This theme is tested and found working (without major showstoppers) on the big-four of browser-engines: |
54 | * Gecko (Mozilla) |
55 | * Presto (Opera) |
56 | * Trident (Internet Explorer) |
57 | * WebKit (Safari/Chrome) |
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59 | Though, mainly due to some poor browser CSS-implementations (mainly IE), some minor changes can occur. |
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61 | h2. Conflicts |
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63 | This theme currently conflicts with the [[PluginCollapse|Collapse plugin]] v.0.1.0. An updated version of the plugin will be delivered soon... |
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65 | h2. Obtaining the theme |
66 | |||
67 | The theme can be downloaded as a packaged release as an attachment of this page or from the upcoming website |
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69 | h2. Installation |
70 | |||
71 | Follow the Redmine theme installation steps at: |
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73 | h2. Upgrade |
74 | |||
75 | 1. Download the latest archive file from this page or from the upcoming |
76 | 2. Unzip the file to your Redmine into the theme-directory _"../public/themes"_ |
77 | 3. Restart your Redmine |
78 | |||
79 | h2. Uninstall |
80 | |||
81 | 1. Remove the directory "squeejee" from the theme-directory _"../public/themes"_ |
82 | 2. Restart Redmine |
83 | |||
84 | h2. Changelog |
85 | |||
86 | This is a limited selection of the changes made to the theme. For the complete changelog see the @CHANGELOG@-file in the Squeejee theme directory. |
87 | |||
88 | h3. 0.1.0 |
89 | |||
90 | * Fixed: Project-menu icons aren't rendered after Redmine Core r2022 |
91 | * Fixed: Right-aligned columns on version-page have white background instead of being transparent |
92 | * Fixed: Overflow of the content |
93 | * Fixed: Issue-journals should be displayed behind the related-revisions block, not below it |
94 | * Fixed: Issue-journal comment note-icons rendered for all paragraphs instead of the first only (now works on Gecko, Presto and WebKit [Chrome-only]) |
95 | * Fixed: Selected project-menu tabs aren't highlighted any longer after Redmine Core r2022 |
96 | * Added: Specific (project-menu) declarations for third-party plugins (including dedicated icons) |
97 | * Enhanced: Global link-visibility |
98 | * Enhanced: Styling of the issue-journals |
99 | * Enhanced: Bordered-table styles imported from the Alternate-theme (by removing dependency on Alternate completely) |
100 | * Enhanced: Project-menu overflow-handling when lots of modules (with project-menu items) are enabled on a project |
101 | * Enhanced: Removed unused images from release (this saves downloading and installing around 1700+ unused image-files) |
102 | * Enhanced: Removed lots of old code which was for internal purposes (based on core-hacks) only |
103 | * Enhanced: Cleaned and Documented CSS-styling |
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105 | h3. 0.0.0 |
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107 | * Initial source by Wynn Netherland as of 20-11-2008 |
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109 | h2. Credits |
110 | |||
111 | Thanks goes out to the following people: |
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113 | * Wynn Netherland, Squeejee ( |
114 | ** Initial author (designer and coder) of the unmodified version of this theme which can be found here: |
115 | * Jean-Philippe Lang, Project-manager of Redmine ( |
116 | ** For creating and maintaining the Redmine system... |
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118 | h2. Licensing |
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120 | This theme is open-source and licensed under the "GNU General Public License v2": (GPL). Certain icons are part of the Fugue icon-set ( which is released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported": license. |
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122 | * ©2009, Mischa The Evil ( |
123 | * ©2008, Wynn Netherland ( |
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125 | h2. Support |
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127 | If you need help, would like to report a bug or request a new feature you can contact the maintainer at his website ( |