


ThirdPartyTools » History » Version 70

Jean-Philippe Lang, 2012-04-19 08:59
Adds windows phone app

1 1 Thomas Lecavelier
h1. Third Party Tools
3 58 Mischa The Evil
5 6 Mischa The Evil
Here you can find a list of tools which are provided by the Redmine community. Note that these tools are not officially supported by Redmine so please don't open bugs or feature request about them in this Redmine instance. Instead, try to contact the creators or someone using it on the IRC channel.
6 1 Thomas Lecavelier
7 20 Andriy Lesyuk
h2. Jabber bots
9 53 Andriy Lesyuk
* "Orangutan": a standalone Jabber bot written in Perl that helps track work time [Author: Andriy Lesyuk]
10 20 Andriy Lesyuk
11 6 Mischa The Evil
h2. IRC bot plugins
12 1 Thomas Lecavelier
13 6 Mischa The Evil
* "Typethink Redmine Linker": a plugin for Eggdrop creating direct links to Redmine issues [Author: Rami Kassab for Typethink]
14 8 Mischa The Evil
* "RBot Redmine plugin": a plugin for RBot creating direct links to Redmine issues [Author: James Turnbull]
15 5 Markus Knittig
h2. IDE integrations
18 6 Mischa The Evil
* "Redmine Mylyn Connector": an Eclipse plugin which lets you use Redmine as a task repository for "Mylyn": [Author: Sven Krzyzak]
19 40 Terence Mill
"Netbeans Redmine Integration":
20 69 Terence Mill
"Netbeans Task Repository":
21 7 Barbara Post
22 21 Fabien Coelho
h2. Authentication plugins
* "HTTP Authentication": Reuse available HTTP Authentication in Redmine.
26 13 Chris McKee
h2. SVN/GIT client integrations
27 1 Thomas Lecavelier
28 13 Chris McKee
* "Tortoise Redmine Issues Plugin": a Tortoise SVN/GIT plugin that lets Tortoise read the Redmine issues list ATOM feed to choose issues and associate issues with commit messages. This adds a new button in the Tortoise SVN interface. Works with Tortoise 1.5.x/1.6.x & Redmine trunk (tested in 0.8 + 0.9.2)
** Please Report bugs
** Wiki:
31 9 Brant Young
32 32 Etienne Massip
33 9 Brant Young
h2. Mercurial (Hg) server integrations
35 55 Mischa The Evil
* "HgRedmine Proxy": a "Mercurial (Hg)": Proxy for incorporate Redmine user authentication and permissions, makes Mercurial server use Redmine permission system. It can recognizes all of Redmine's Repository relate permissions.
36 10 Thomas Stägemann
37 36 Robert Schneider
h2. Perforce server integration
38 37 Robert Schneider
39 55 Mischa The Evil
* "P4DTG": Engine with GUI that replicates issues and jobs in both directions.
40 36 Robert Schneider
41 10 Thomas Stägemann
h2. iPhone App
43 55 Mischa The Evil
* "iRedmine": is an App designed for iPhone and iPod touch that provides easy access to Redmine projects on the go. The iRedmine source code is available on "GitHub": git clone git://
* "RedminePro": an iOS App to access Redmine Projects anywhere and anytime by directly interact with the Redmine sites through the REST API.
45 68 Mischa The Evil
* "RedmineApp - Redmine for iPhone": is a native iPhone client for Redmine. View, create and edit issues, keep track of activities and more... 
46 49 Paul Heyer
RedmineApp on the App Store:
47 11 Pavel Kalian
48 15 Pavel Samokha
h2. Android App
50 70 Jean-Philippe Lang
* "RedMiner Droid": is an Android client for Redmine.
51 1 Thomas Lecavelier
* "RedTime": is an Android time tracking app that uses Redmine 1.2 as backend.
52 70 Jean-Philippe Lang
h2. Windows Phone App
* "Redmine Client": is a client for Redmine.
56 15 Pavel Samokha
57 11 Pavel Kalian
h2. Desktop clients
* "Redmine Client": Allows creating issues and logging time spent on them from the desktop. Tested just on Windows and Linux but should work on any platform supported by Mono. Also includes the library usable by other tools aiming to interact with Redmine.
60 12 Michael Pietsch
h2. Browser integration
63 45 Konrad Dzwinel
* "Redmine Toolbar": +Firefox+ add-on to increase handling of Redmine projects by providing shortcut buttons to the most important Redmine pages. The source code is available on "GitHub":
64 17 Dennis Gurock
65 45 Konrad Dzwinel
* Redmine +Chrome+ Plugins
** "Redmine Extended":
** "Redmine Issues Checker":
** "Redmine Notification Extension":
** "QuickRedmine":
70 44 Terence Mill
71 27 Jean-Philippe Lang
h2. Drupal integration
* "Redmine.module": provides a basic API to Redmine for Drupal
75 17 Dennis Gurock
h2. Test Case Management
77 25 jon morgan
* "TestRail": TestRail is a web-based test case management software to manage, track and organize software testing efforts.
78 60 Scott S
* "TestLodge": Online test case management tool, allowing you to manage your test plans, test cases and test runs with ease.
79 19 Torsten Stolpmann
* "Klaros-Testmanagement": The free Community Edition of Klaros-Testmanagement supports the integration with Redmine.
80 64 Yaniv Iny
* "PractiTest": PractiTest is a lightweight SaaS QA & Test Management for the enterprise, enables to organize & run tests, link to issues, requirements, and more. The "integration with Redmine": supports automatically creation of issues with test's steps description already in place; and linking Redmine's issues to PractiTest tests and reports for full visibility.
81 46 Abhimanyu Grover
* "Test Collab": Test Collab is web based test case management tool with simplest and easy to understand AJAX enabled UI. It offers great features like issue manager integrations, time forecasting, time tracking and in-built reporting. It supports issue manager integration with famous bug tracking tools like JIRA, Redmine, Unfuddle, Mantis, Lighthouse, FogBugz. Test Collab is available in both: SaaS and Self-hosted editions.
82 41 Terence Mill
h2. Build and release managment
85 55 Mischa The Evil
* "Redmine Plugin for Jenkins/Hudson": See and access issues from build job view
* "Redmine Plugin for Maven": Create changes.xml and redmine news on software release build
87 56 Terence Mill
* "Maven Redmine Integration": The plugin has the following goals:
88 57 Terence Mill
** display-data display some datas from a redmine server.
** generate-changes generates the changes.xml files from issues of the project from a redmine server.
** publish-attachments publish some files as attachment for the version of the project on a redmine server.
** publish-news publish a news for the project on a redmine server.
** generate-email-announcement generates the body of the email to send for a release using issues for the redmine server.
** generate-news-announcement generates the body of the announcement's news to publish for a release using issues for the redmine server.
** update-version update the version of the project (close version) on a redmine server.
95 56 Terence Mill
next-version creates (if not exists) the version for the project on a redmine server.
96 57 Terence Mill
** help display help about the plugin (goals, usage).
97 54 Terence Mill
98 61 Etienne Massip
h2. Reporting 
* "Redmine Reports": ready-to-use reports for Redmine and the combit List & Label tool.
102 54 Terence Mill
h2. API Framework
104 62 Etienne Massip
* "JRedmine-client Java API":