


WeAreUsingRedmine » History

# Updated Author Comment
183 2016-03-15 10:57 Go MAEDA Added Replicant Annotate
182 2016-03-15 07:51 Go MAEDA Added Astrogeology Support and Issue Tracking Annotate
181 2016-03-14 03:42 Go MAEDA Removed Puppet. Their issue tracker has moved: Annotate
180 2016-01-17 09:46 Go MAEDA Added Askia Annotate
179 2016-01-16 04:10 Go MAEDA Added OpenPNE Annotate
178 2016-01-07 08:34 Go MAEDA Updated JAXA URL (ja -> en) Annotate
177 2016-01-04 11:21 Go MAEDA Annotate
176 2016-01-04 11:17 Go MAEDA Added Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Annotate
175 2015-09-29 03:28 Go MAEDA Add CHIRP Annotate
174 2015-09-29 03:23 Go MAEDA Contao now uses GitHub : Annotate
173 2015-09-29 03:05 Go MAEDA Add LAOS Laser Annotate
172 2015-09-29 03:01 Go MAEDA Remove Taskwarrior. They uses JIRA : Annotate
171 2015-09-29 02:57 Go MAEDA Update JoomLeague URL Annotate
170 2015-09-29 02:51 Go MAEDA was closed. They moved to GitHub: Annotate
169 2015-09-29 02:27 Go MAEDA Add GNU Radio Annotate
168 2015-02-23 19:18 Lucile Quirion added Savoir-faire Linux company Annotate
167 2014-12-14 14:16 Jean-Philippe Lang Cleanup Annotate
166 2014-01-14 16:57 Jan from Planio Annotate
165 2014-01-14 16:55 Jan from Planio Annotate
164 2013-03-25 16:57 Jean-Baptiste Barth Remove in2p3 forge mistakenly added at the top (already present in "research" section) Annotate
163 2013-02-18 19:00 Etienne Massip Ruby BT address update Annotate
162 2012-12-19 13:42 Jean-Philippe Lang Annotate
161 2012-11-18 09:39 Jean-Philippe Lang Annotate
160 2012-11-18 09:36 Jean-Philippe Lang Annotate
159 2012-09-18 23:43 Jean-Philippe Lang Annotate
158 2012-09-18 23:13 Jean-Philippe Lang Annotate

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