

Dmitry Lisichkin

  • Login: Tab10id
  • IRC nick: Tab10id
  • Registered on: 2014-08-08
  • Last connection: 2025-03-24


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 8 9



13:11 Redmine Defect #36245: ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare not working in trunk 21287
One another problem for after_initialize in init.rb.
after_initialize block called too late for some cases. For exam...
Dmitry Lisichkin


13:23 Redmine Defect #36245: ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare not working in trunk 21287
Some additions to this problem.
Using of @Rails.configuration.after_initialize@ is not correct in init.rb form redmi...
Dmitry Lisichkin


23:04 Redmine Feature #39111: Enable Asset Pipeline Integration using Propshaft
Marius BĂLTEANU wrote in #note-9:
> @tohosaku, do you have any clue why the following test fails on Redmine CI, but ...
Dmitry Lisichkin


08:20 Redmine Feature #39111: Enable Asset Pipeline Integration using Propshaft
One other problem that we have on our installation - many existed themes and plugins assumed that redmine assets avai... Dmitry Lisichkin
08:05 Redmine Feature #39111: Enable Asset Pipeline Integration using Propshaft
And after all I can say that your way can be much simplier because of using tools like webpack or other requires many... Dmitry Lisichkin
07:44 Redmine Feature #39111: Enable Asset Pipeline Integration using Propshaft
Hello. Sorry for long response.
Am I right that your idea is about using propshaft without other tools (without comp...
Dmitry Lisichkin


16:19 Redmine Patch #35536: Use webpack to improve javascripts and stylesheets management
Fun fact: jsbundling-rails is simple tool for install another tools (webpack, esbuild, etc) and only provide rake tas... Dmitry Lisichkin
13:55 Redmine Patch #35536: Use webpack to improve javascripts and stylesheets management
Marius BALTEANU wrote in #note-4:
> I’m interested in improving the way in which we manage now the assets, but from w...
Dmitry Lisichkin


12:41 Redmine Feature #26642: Support of ActiveRecord i18n scope in query filters
Ok. How about this patch?
Query is a last part of redmine that use "field_*", after this patch there will be availab...
Dmitry Lisichkin


14:52 Redmine Patch #28030 (Closed): Remove unused method
Method usage was removed there: #26627 Dmitry Lisichkin

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