

robin van emden

  • Login: robinvanemden
  • Registered on: 2010-01-16
  • Last connection: 2018-08-18


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19:58 Redmine Help: RE: IMAP Email - Can anyone post an example imap checking cron job?
That was the missing info I was looking for - adding the environment variables made the script work - thanks for the ... robin van emden


18:20 Redmine Help: RE: Receiving E-mails via cron
Thanks Mike T, removing f and rake file path did the trick for me as well. robin van emden


21:00 Redmine Plugins: RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
@goyello: that's terrific, thanks! robin van emden


18:52 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Redmine plugin for Agile Project Management
You mean reporting issues regarding scrum-pm, if any, at its Github home? Will do! robin van emden
15:45 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Redmine plugin for Agile Project Management
Hi Marcin,
Impressively fast response indeed :D
Yes, that did the trick!
Thank you very much!
robin van emden
15:24 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Redmine plugin for Agile Project Management
Hi Marcin! Thanks for your very fast response!
Reinstalled Redmine on the suggested Redmine Stable, no luck... Other...
robin van emden
14:34 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Redmine plugin for Agile Project Management
Woops! Sorry! Pasted the code concerning problem the googlecharts install has solved.
I meant:
Still receive the fo...
robin van emden
14:30 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Redmine plugin for Agile Project Management
Almost there... Still receive the following error when trying to add a task (.../issue_sprints/new/1/new)... robin van emden
09:32 Redmine Plugins: RE: Charts for 0.9.1
Yuriy is right, since I tested the on an empty project, I didn't pay atten... robin van emden


12:28 Redmine Plugins: RE: Charts for 0.9.1
This one works on my Redmine 0.9.1:
And while looking for 9.1 updated pl...
robin van emden

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