

Christiaan Kras

  • Login: Htbaa
  • Registered on: 2010-01-18
  • Last connection: 2010-05-15


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



12:30 Redmine Defect #4682: Completed version with wrong progress bar status
If a issue has the expected time set to 0.0 the earlier reported error happens. After removing it and saving the issu... Christiaan Kras


09:09 Redmine Feature #4722 (Resolved): Display spent time in issues overview
I just found out that this is already possible. At the project overview you can see the spent time for all issues (ht... Christiaan Kras


09:06 Redmine Feature #4722 (Closed): Display spent time in issues overview
Currently it's possible to show the estemated time of an issue in the issues overview. It be nice if the actual spent... Christiaan Kras


16:52 Redmine Defect #4682: Completed version with wrong progress bar status
Some extra info.
The last issue I changed from resolved to closed also had an time estamate which I changed to 0 w...
Christiaan Kras
16:39 Redmine Defect #4682 (Closed): Completed version with wrong progress bar status
I have a version inside a project which only contains 2 bugs/issues. Both of them were fixed and percentage of comple... Christiaan Kras


09:30 Redmine Feature #3453: Issue creation via email by anonymous
Has the patch provided by Alexander Pánek been applied to the trunk? Would be most useful. In addition, I'd like it i... Christiaan Kras

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