

Greg Carson

  • Login: gcarson1
  • Registered on: 2015-02-09
  • Last connection: 2018-06-15


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19:22 Redmine Help: RE: We're Sorry, but something went wrong
Hard drive was would think AWS would provide some type of notification when a hard drive is at 80% or 90... Greg Carson
16:48 Redmine Help: We're Sorry, but something went wrong
Bitnami Redmine 3.1.0-0
Ubuntu 14.04.2
Redmine has been working for years, with no issue. I know a few Linux com...
Greg Carson


19:10 Redmine Help: Roadmap tab Redmine 500 error
I just upgraded from Redmine 2.6.1 to 3.1.0, I am now having error when clicking on Roadmap tab.
Error below is......
Greg Carson


22:53 Redmine Plugins: RE: How I can configure RedCase plugin?
I got mine to work by performing the following....
$ cd apps/redmine/htdocs
$ bundle install --without developm...
Greg Carson
20:56 Redmine Plugins: RE: How I can configure RedCase plugin?
I also have installed the redcase plugin into Redmine Version 2.6.1; with no Test case tab and tracker test case.... ... Greg Carson

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