

Knut Krüger

  • Login: etron770
  • Registered on: 2015-12-11
  • Last connection: 2025-02-07


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15:47 Redmine Help: RE: Debian 12 Redmine 6.1 Internal erro on /settings page
chmod -R a+rwx tmp/
Knut Krüger
12:33 Redmine Help: RE: Debian 12 Redmine 6.1 Internal erro on /settings page
The user www-data can create anything in the cache directory
sudo -u www-data mkdir /var/www/redmine-6.0/tmp/cache/test
Knut Krüger
10:53 Redmine Help: Debian 12 Redmine 6.1 Internal erro on /settings page
New Debian System - Redmine SQL data migrated from 5.x.
It does not matter whether the user is root:root or www-da...
Knut Krüger


11:18 Redmine Help: How to change wrong activated old gem file version to new version

Bundler version 2.4.20
Debian 11, apache
ruby 3.0.0p0 (2020-12-25 revision 95aff21468) [x8...
Knut Krüger


15:57 Redmine Help: RE: Internal Error when copy and past text with smilies
To prevent Internal Errors or cutting the text could be fixed before sending to the database or causing internal er... Knut Krüger
10:19 Redmine Help: Internal Error when copy and past text with smilies
Pasted Text containing smilies will cause an internal error
If if this ticket will be stored with this smiley: ->...
Knut Krüger


08:44 Redmine Open discussion: RE: redMine PM can't change the status
The same here with Redmine PM App (Android 6)
Redminer is working
Knut Krüger


16:54 Redmine Open discussion: After upgrade from 3.2.0 to 4.0.4 Could not find rake-12.3.3 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound)
There are a lot oft similar questions but no answer was working for me .... Knut Krüger


14:56 Redmine Help: Plugin for settings?tab=general automatic Hostname
Is there a plug in to set the host name dynamically for sending mails?
If there are more than one domain to use redm...
Knut Krüger

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