

Max Meier

  • Login: maximalz
  • Registered on: 2010-04-21
  • Last connection: 2012-04-24


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 2 3



11:03 Redmine Feature #6166: Support german umlauts and whitespaces in login string
Upgrading to redmine 1.2.2 I created a patch for app/models/user.rb, which allows german umlauts and accent d'aigu in... Max Meier


08:42 Redmine Feature #6166 (New): Support german umlauts and whitespaces in login string
I am using redmine to authenticate with a Lotus Notes LDAP server. Unfortunately the validated login string can conta... Max Meier


09:15 Redmine Plugins: RE: Attach-screenshot plugins are broken with RM 1.0
I'm not a ruby programmer, but I found out myself, if I change app/controllers/attach_screenshot_controller.rb:36 fro... Max Meier
09:07 Redmine Plugins: RE: Attach-screenshot plugins are broken with RM 1.0
I tried to attach a screenshot, but got the following error message:... Max Meier


09:39 Redmine Defect #6001: Error on login/logout
Hm, I don't think so, because the other instance of redmine (production) has the same plugins activated and works wel... Max Meier
08:51 Redmine Defect #6001 (Closed): Error on login/logout
I'm running Redmine with two environments, production and development. When I try to log in or log out on production,... Max Meier


06:39 Redmine Defect #5371: MySQL error generating gantt chart
The reported error is gone, patchin also worked against trunk. Max Meier


13:51 Redmine Defect #5371: MySQL error generating gantt chart
I tried the patch against redmine trunk. The error is no longer present. Thank You.
For Your information: The plugin...
Max Meier


08:11 Redmine Defect #5371: MySQL error generating gantt chart
I finally managed to get git working, cloned the repo and switched to 0.9-stable via @git checkout 0.9-stable@, right... Max Meier


08:48 Redmine Defect #5371: MySQL error generating gantt chart
Thx for the patch, but how can I apply it? I tried "patch -n 1 < 5371.patch" but it tells me there is only garbage in... Max Meier

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