

User Emploee

  • Login: UserEmp
  • Registered on: 2016-10-17
  • Last connection: 2016-11-02


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
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15:11 Redmine Help: RE: Trouble upgrading an existing Redmine installation from 2.5.0.stable to 3.1.7.stable
*Toshi, thank you very much*.
+Redmine works fine+ at
I was forced to do changes in start command fr...
User Emploee
13:39 Redmine Help: RE: Trouble upgrading an existing Redmine installation from 2.5.0.stable to 3.1.7.stable
Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:
*Toshi*, thank you.
In my case WEBrick...
User Emploee
12:06 Redmine Help: RE: Trouble upgrading an existing Redmine installation from 2.5.0.stable to 3.1.7.stable
Thank you, *Toshi*.
But in my case command return next help:...
User Emploee
08:27 Redmine Help: RE: Trouble upgrading an existing Redmine installation from 2.5.0.stable to 3.1.7.stable
*Hello, All*.
Can you help me to resolve my problem, how to start Redmine after upgrade for access from network, not...
User Emploee


09:11 Redmine Help: RE: Trouble upgrading an existing Redmine installation from 2.5.0.stable to 3.1.7.stable
Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:
> [[RedmineInstall#Supported-database-back-ends]]:
> > Redmine 3.x: (Microsoft SQL Server...
User Emploee


13:14 Redmine Help: RE: Trouble upgrading an existing Redmine installation from 2.5.0.stable to 3.1.7.stable
*Hello, Everyone.*
Problem with “Step 4 - Update the database” resolved, but next problem appeared with first run up...
User Emploee


16:48 Redmine Help: Trouble upgrading an existing Redmine installation from 2.5.0.stable to 3.1.7.stable
*Good day, Everyone*.
+Please+, help me in my trouble an upgrading an existing Redmine installation from 2.5.0.sta...
User Emploee

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