

Karlheinz Petersen

  • Login: Kalle1892
  • Registered on: 2010-11-01
  • Last connection: 2012-04-13


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
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09:15 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Automatic closing of duplicate issues
doing this by hand now for every single duplicating task.
Karlheinz Petersen


11:12 Redmine Help: RE: all works but issues after moving to another server
It works! :) great, thank you very much! Karlheinz Petersen
11:02 Redmine Help: RE: all works but issues after moving to another server
My issue table looks like the following (I don't have any of your columns, in none of the issues(_)* tables):
Karlheinz Petersen
09:57 Redmine Help: RE: all works but issues after moving to another server
extract from: /var/log/redmine/default/production.log
Processing IssuesController#index (for <my_ip> at 2011-02-21...
Karlheinz Petersen
09:44 Redmine Help: all works but issues after moving to another server
Hi everyone,
I just moved an existing redmine installation (@debian lenny, don't know the exact version, have not ...
Karlheinz Petersen


09:02 Redmine Help: RE: Missing the Rails 2.3.5 gem.
I just uninstalled rack 1.2.1 and everything that look like rails3 to me.
#gem list
abstract (1.0.0)
Karlheinz Petersen


12:56 Redmine Help: RE: Missing the Rails 2.3.5 gem.
I followed your advice and executed your command (I don't need version 3 at the moment) but it didn't help.
Any ot...
Karlheinz Petersen
12:39 Redmine Help: RE: Missing the Rails 2.3.5 gem.
How can I do that?
I always get this:
root@absolutelytopsecretmachine:~# gem install -v=2.3.5 rails
Karlheinz Petersen
12:01 Redmine Help: Missing the Rails 2.3.5 gem.
I'm trying to run redmine on a debian lenny machine.
I always got the message
Missing the Rails 2.3....
Karlheinz Petersen

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