

Joshua Minnie

  • Login: josh.minnie
  • IRC nick: josh.minnie
  • Registered on: 2011-01-21
  • Last connection: 2019-06-10


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04:19 Redmine Help: RE: When I try to create an issue in redmine, nothing happens
My had something to do with importing all the files into a pre-existing rails application directory that my webhost c... Joshua Minnie


17:16 Redmine Help: RE: When I try to create an issue in redmine, nothing happens
At this point, since I wasn't to far in to setting up my data, I went ahead and "reinstalled" my Redmine app. Wiping ... Joshua Minnie
04:48 Redmine Help: When I try to create an issue in redmine, nothing happens
Every time I try to create an issue and submit the form, either with the Create or the Create and Continue button, it... Joshua Minnie

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