

Steffen Dietz

  • Login: Steffen.Dietz
  • Registered on: 2008-12-12
  • Last connection: 2009-02-09


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 2 3



12:20 Redmine Defect #2703 (New): Link to Changesets is shown to User without credential
The link to a changeset, which updated a ticket status, in ticket comments is shown to users, even if they dont have ... Steffen Dietz


13:14 Redmine Defect #2328 (Closed): Document categories don't use the default value as default
When adding a new document to a project, the preselected category is not the default category selected from the "Enum... Steffen Dietz
13:12 Redmine Defect #2327 (Closed): Enumerations behave faulty
When editing a default value flagged enumeration such as "Issue priorities" or "Document categories" and saving the e... Steffen Dietz

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