

Vinko Vrsalovic

  • Login: vinko
  • Registered on: 2008-12-15
  • Last connection: 2009-12-02


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



09:39 Redmine Feature #4324: Redmine renames my files, it shouldn't.
I personally don't mind if files are stored as hex or similar in disk as long as there is a rake task to obtain the n... Vinko Vrsalovic


11:31 Redmine Feature #4324 (Closed): Redmine renames my files, it shouldn't.
Redmine renames files with spaces in their name. This shouldn't happen as violates the least surprise principle.
Vinko Vrsalovic


10:02 Redmine Defect #3678 (Reopened): Missing translation (or incorrect translation reference) in r2825
Should I open a new issue for this?
It's clearly still a problem.
The message when using a non existing issue ...
Vinko Vrsalovic
09:53 Redmine Defect #3678: Missing translation (or incorrect translation reference) in r2825
Found the real culprit.
Put a non existing issue number and it shows the message. (pic1.png)
If I add the fiel...
Vinko Vrsalovic


16:36 Redmine Defect #3678 (Closed): Missing translation (or incorrect translation reference) in r2825
I get, when setting a related issue to an issue, and selecting 'blocks', the following message
"Translation missin...
Vinko Vrsalovic


19:19 Redmine Defect #2342: /account/show/<id> fails on PostgreSQL 8.1
Confirmed. svn up fixed it. Vinko Vrsalovic
11:56 Redmine Defect #2342 (Closed): /account/show/<id> fails on PostgreSQL 8.1
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in AccountController#show
PGError: ERROR: for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressio...
Vinko Vrsalovic

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