

Richard Hector

  • Login: r_hector
  • IRC nick: r_hector
  • Registered on: 2017-12-06
  • Last connection: 2022-07-19


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



02:23 Redmine Feature #36739 (New): Copy issue without notification on old issue
When I create a new issue by copying an old one, it doesn't change the old one, so I'd like to be able to disable not... Richard Hector


00:47 Redmine Help: Don't notify for copied issue?
When I copy an issue, I get a notification for the old one as well as the new. The old one, in my view, hasn't...
Richard Hector


06:05 Redmine Feature #27731: Allow users to view and comment on their own issues, even if moved into a project where they don't have access.
Would it be possible to link an issue to multiple projects instead?
That way you could link the issue to the relevan...
Richard Hector
05:52 Redmine Help: Create user with disabled password?
When I create a new user, it seems I have to provide a password, or select generate. IIRC it then sends that password... Richard Hector

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