

Huijie Qiao

  • Login: qiaohj
  • IRC nick: qiaohj
  • Registered on: 2011-05-26
  • Last connection: 2011-05-26


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07:10 Redmine Help: RE: asking help for create and delete project in production mode
I noticed that if I changed the config.cache_classes = true to false, the error disappeared.
But why?
Who can g...
Huijie Qiao
06:30 Redmine Help: RE: asking help for create and delete project in production mode
the apache conf is
<Directory "xxxx/public">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
Order Deny,Allow
Huijie Qiao
05:01 Redmine Help: asking help for create and delete project in production mode
Hi everyone,
I am a newbie for redmine and RoR. I succeeded deploying Redmine today. It worked well in development...
Huijie Qiao

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