

Nicklas Ansman-Giertz

  • Login: Ansman
  • Registered on: 2011-05-29
  • Last connection: 2011-05-29


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19:13 Redmine Help: RE: Cannot start redmine on ubuntu 10.4
Turns out passenger wasn't running at all, when I loaded it everything worked fine :) Nicklas Ansman-Giertz
18:54 Redmine Help: RE: Cannot start redmine on ubuntu 10.4
Ok, that problem is now fixed (was a permission problem, @chmod -R a+rx on /usr/lib/ruby@ solved it).
Now however ...
Nicklas Ansman-Giertz
06:30 Redmine Help: Cannot start redmine on ubuntu 10.4
When I try to start redmine 1.1.3 I get this error: @Missing the i18n 0.4.2 gem. Please 'gem install -v=0.4.2 i18n'@
Nicklas Ansman-Giertz

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