Pablo Díaz
- Login: pablodr81
- Registered on: 2018-04-12
- Last connection: 2018-05-25
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 0 | 1 | 1 |
20:10 Redmine Defect #28710: Redmine doesn't start after update as debian estable package. Cannot load `Rails.application.database_configuration`
- Adding more info:
When I try to _migrate_ database as user I get the next error by console:... -
15:18 Redmine Defect #28710: Redmine doesn't start after update as debian estable package. Cannot load `Rails.application.database_configuration`
- Copy here the content that wasn't copy into description:
My debian Redmine version is this:... -
15:15 Redmine Defect #28710 (Closed): Redmine doesn't start after update as debian estable package. Cannot load `Rails.application.database_configuration`
- Hi,
Today when I update debian system (I usually update it once a month.) I had several errors about can't find s...
12:50 Redmine Feature #13275: Add query parameters/filter for listing time entries via REST API
- I've found a solution for comment 20.
If I put at the end of URL _&limit=5000_ I get the _time_entries_ for the g...
19:41 Redmine Feature #13275: Add query parameters/filter for listing time entries via REST API
- Somebody know howto filter by time interval?.
If i use the URL (replacing redmineUrl by a real url and keyValue wi...
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