

Yecine Yecine

  • Login: yecine06
  • Registered on: 2011-11-06
  • Last connection: 2012-05-22


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
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11:31 Redmine Help: RE: Syntax highlighting
How do i know if coderay is loaded correctly ? I have checked in the plugin page there aren't any coderay plugin ...
Yecine Yecine


18:51 Redmine Help: RE: Syntax highlighting
I copy paste the text so it's the exact same syntax.
I have the line numbering and all but it's missing the colors...
Yecine Yecine


23:42 Redmine Help: RE: Syntax highlighting
here it works ... Yecine Yecine
23:41 Redmine Help: Syntax highlighting
I'm having some difficulties to higlight source code in my issues
I tried the folowing but it's not working...
Yecine Yecine
13:16 Redmine Plugins: RE: Redcase Plugin
@Neil Thompson
I have tried you workaround and even if i tick stay connected
I have a popup asking for my usern...
Yecine Yecine


18:27 Redmine Development: RE: Redmine ruby rest API error `instantiate_collection': undefined method `collect!'
yes with :json i have the same problem ...
for now i'm using xml ...
Yecine Yecine
18:26 Redmine Development: Adding a comment with the rest api
I wanted to know if it's possible to add a comment with the rest api ... i haven't found any info on that ...
Yecine Yecine


15:42 Redmine Development: RE: Redmine ruby rest API error `instantiate_collection': undefined method `collect!'
For info
About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (i686-linux)
RubyGems version ...
Yecine Yecine
15:33 Redmine Development: RE: Redmine ruby rest API error `instantiate_collection': undefined method `collect!'
if seems that there is an error with the json output format ... it's returning a hash and the active ressource is wai... Yecine Yecine
13:27 Redmine Help: RE: Can't set up gmail: An error occurred while sending mail (getaddrinfo: Name or service not known)
I have the same problem ... did you finally solved it ?
Can you help me ?
i'm using redmine 1.2.2 and i have co...
Yecine Yecine

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