

pet gus

  • Login: petg
  • Registered on: 2012-06-11
  • Last connection: 2012-08-02


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15:41 Redmine Open discussion: RE: difference between 2.0 and 1.4
ok thanks! probably stick with 2.0, could this error might be something versions related (or maybe some versions of d... pet gus


08:43 Redmine Open discussion: difference between 2.0 and 1.4
Ive installed 2.0 and having problems with some "undefined local variable or method" (nginx/postgres db), and thought... pet gus


17:01 Redmine Help: RE: new project error: ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `self_and_descendants'
still havnt solved this.
ive asked on stack overflow, and seems to be something about missing function call self_and...
pet gus


08:42 Redmine Help: new project error: ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `self_and_descendants'
just installed redmine on ubuntu/nginx/postgres and worked out the errors and all running, except when i create a new... pet gus


17:32 Redmine Help: All domains on VPS lead to redmine (new install with bitnami)
I installed redmine with bitnami to a sub domain on a VPS.
Now no matter what domain I go to it all goes to redmine...
pet gus


20:53 Redmine Open discussion: sub projects can have different status options?
Running redmine for a couple of different uses and want to add more status (besides new, closed, etc). However, these... pet gus

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