

Roderick Gadellaa

  • Login: rejhgadellaa
  • Registered on: 2012-06-14
  • Last connection: 2017-05-20


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



09:26 Redmine Defect #26004: Settings / Issue tracking: Can't move issue column between available and visible
Since this seems to be a javascript issue and that runs in a browser it's probably also useful to provide some info o... Roderick Gadellaa
09:23 Redmine Defect #26004 (Closed): Settings / Issue tracking: Can't move issue column between available and visible
Under Settings / Issue tracking / Default columns displayed on the issue list (screenshot attached), I try to move a ... Roderick Gadellaa


10:59 Redmine Defect #11157: Groups.xml?key=[apikey] authentication does not work
Groups.json?key=[apikey] doesn't work either Roderick Gadellaa
10:54 Redmine Defect #11157 (Closed): Groups.xml?key=[apikey] authentication does not work
Simple to reproduce:
- get your apikey
- log out of redmine
- navigate to [redmine]/groups.xml?key=[yourapikey]
Roderick Gadellaa
10:58 Redmine Defect #11158 (Closed): Groups.json doesn't return anything
Groups.json?key=[apikey] authentication doesn't work either
Roderick Gadellaa

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