

Joan J

  • Login: aseques
  • Registered on: 2022-04-28
  • Last connection: 2025-03-07


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 4 5



10:51 Redmine Open discussion: "Dynamic filter" on my page
I would like to have on "my page" a issue table that can be filtered by assignee using a dropdown with the allowed op... Joan J


09:50 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Groups - Different Roles
Hi @santosh, that's the way it works
* Project Hardware
* Leader (role manager assigned to user xxxx)
Joan J
09:45 Redmine Open discussion: RE: How to control how many email send per minute in redmine 5.1.1
It seems that the limit is fixed on microsoft part ( Joan J


08:31 Redmine Open discussion: RE: How to control how many email send per minute in redmine 5.1.1
Unless your install is very big, 30 emails minute is not a low limit, maybe you should have a look at what notificati... Joan J
08:27 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Groups - Different Roles
The easiest way is to assign the role of team lead directly to the specific user in that project and assign the role ... Joan J


09:12 Redmine Open discussion: Is it possible to update notes via API?
I see that on the interface one can edit existing notes (marking as private or changing the content), but on the issu... Joan J
08:30 Redmine Feature #1151: Open Links in New-Window

Matthew Paul wrote in #note-14:
> Quick answer to a couple of people on this thread - "Why not just use the browse...
Joan J


10:41 Redmine Patch #40240 (Closed): Catalan translation update for 5.1-stable
Added some missing translations, translation should be mostly complete now.
I attach both the path and the updated c...
Joan J


15:21 Redmine Defect #40099: User api filtering by status=* broke on upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1
Marius BALTEANU wrote in #note-1:
> Users list was improved in Redmine 5.0 by using the same query mechanism as we ha...
Joan J
13:35 Redmine Defect #40099 (Closed): User api filtering by status=* broke on upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1
I am testing the migration path from 5.0.5 to 5.1.1, we use an api call to get all users (active or not), since the u... Joan J

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