

Mat Tipton

  • Login: mtipton
  • Registered on: 2009-06-02
  • Last connection: 2009-06-12


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



05:41 Redmine Defect #3490 (Closed): Unable to add filter for version fields to a custom query
* Database mysql 5.0
* Ruby version 1.8.6-26
* Rails version 2.1.2
* Redmine version 0.8.4
There are no errors ...
Mat Tipton


02:58 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineInstall (#52)
This file is generated... so I get that now... however I ran this command multiple times rebooted, ran again, etc fro... Mat Tipton
02:26 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineInstall (#51)
final note... maybe the real confusion here comes from the fact that session_store.rb is not in the trunk? it can't ... Mat Tipton
02:11 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineInstall (#50)
not sure how to phrase this... but this it the current situation so I thought I should point out... Mat Tipton
02:05 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineInstall (#49)
one last note*** why not say here that this step only applies if installing between versions x.y.beta and x.y.zeta? ... Mat Tipton
02:03 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineInstall (#48)
ok, well actually maybe the notes in parenthesis already explained this so I'm removing my edit... however, the note ... Mat Tipton
01:54 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineInstall (#47)
Step 4 does not work and it is my understanding that this is not required with later redmine versions Mat Tipton

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