

Jason Cameron

  • Login: Maleki
  • Registered on: 2009-06-09
  • Last connection: 2010-10-27


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22:25 Redmine Help: RE: Is there a way to link lists to filter items in custom fields?
Here's the link in case anyone's curious.
Jason Cameron
22:24 Redmine Help: RE: Is there a way to link lists to filter items in custom fields?
Hmmm just so everyone knows it's a requested feature and it's not there (yet).
Oh well. I'm going to look at plug...
Jason Cameron


17:05 Redmine Help: RE: Is there a way to link lists to filter items in custom fields?
Barring that can it be done via a plug-in? I've got a bit of RoR under my belt so I'm going to try and d...
Jason Cameron


16:56 Redmine Help: RE: Is there a way to link lists to filter items in custom fields?
I'm still pretty new at RoR but I'm pretty sure it's possible. I just want to link two related drop-down ...
Jason Cameron


21:20 Redmine Help: Is there a way to link lists to filter items in custom fields?
Is there a way to link lists in Redmine to filter items in custom fields? The simplest example would be this:...
Jason Cameron


15:51 Redmine Help: enable detailed debugging? (file-line# of errors)
How can I enable detailed debugging in Redmine? I'm using the Bitnami Redmine (8.5) Stack and I'm trying to hook it... Jason Cameron


16:07 Redmine Help: RE: How do you restart redmine?
Hmmm Ok now I'm getting somewhere. Now another question. How do you restart Mongrel? I tried restarting the apache... Jason Cameron


23:03 Redmine Help: How to enable development mode?
What the subject line says. :p
I'm running the bitnami stack and I'm running into a few issues with svn. I've tr...
Jason Cameron


20:53 Redmine Help: How do you restart redmine?
I'm in the middle of trying to set up RedMine so that it'll send out that legendary 'test email' I've been hearing ab... Jason Cameron

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