

Matt Freitag

  • Login: coyotetechy
  • Registered on: 2012-09-16
  • Last connection: 2013-03-10


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01:35 Redmine Help: RE: Upgrading Redmine
I guess your Google fu is much stronger than mine is, Etienne. Worked great.
Thank you!
Matt Freitag


22:48 Redmine Help: RE: Upgrading Redmine
Thanks for trying :)
Anyone else out there willing to help out?
Matt Freitag
06:47 Redmine Help: RE: Upgrading Redmine
couple extra things about my environment: cPanel 11.34.1 on Redhat 5.9. sorry I didn't mention it earlier.
I did ...
Matt Freitag


20:08 Redmine Help: RE: Upgrading Redmine
I'm guessing this is a really simple fix.
I'm going to start with @kill -9 [redminePID]; rvm implode@ and redo the...
Matt Freitag


01:22 Redmine Help: RESOLVED: Upgrading Redmine
Hey all,
I'm trying to upgrade Redmine from 1.4.4 to 2.2.3 and am running into problems with rake.
I'm using Ru...
Matt Freitag


21:51 Redmine Help: RE: Problem with email notification
try using delivery_method: :smtp or delivery_method: :sendmail instead of delivery_method: smtp Matt Freitag


21:52 Redmine Help: RE: using redmine and gmail
So I took that and put it in my configuration.yml file in place of the generic, default stuff (reinstalled after brea... Matt Freitag


01:29 Redmine Help: using redmine and gmail
I'm on redmine 1.4.4 trying to get it to send email notifications out to people using a gmail account I've set up.
Matt Freitag

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