

Joshua Parker

  • Login: parkerj
  • IRC nick: parkerj
  • Registered on: 2012-10-22
  • Last connection: 2015-08-19


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



00:42 Redmine Help: RE: Custom Field Internal Error
Issue has been fixed by upgrading to the latest release. Joshua Parker


06:57 Redmine Help: Custom Field Internal Error
I am trying to create a custom field called "Affected Releases". Every time I create this custom field, and then visi... Joshua Parker


21:34 Redmine Help: RE: After Update 502 Bad Gateway
Fixed. Reinstalled a new server, came about the same issue but need to install libmysqlclient-dev which would take th... Joshua Parker
09:05 Redmine Help: After Update 502 Bad Gateway
When I first setup Redmine 3.0.4, it was on Ubuntu 14.04 with Nginx and Puma. Then I upgraded the server to Ubuntu 15... Joshua Parker


07:38 Redmine Defect #12217: Issue with Feeds
I figured out that the issue is with the change I made in routes to set projects as the root:... Joshua Parker
07:30 Redmine Defect #12217 (Closed): Issue with Feeds
I am currently using Redmine version 2.1.2. The install is on an Ubuntu 10.04 server with Nginx 1.2.4 and Passenger. ... Joshua Parker

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