

Slava Mikerin

  • Login: slavix
  • Registered on: 2009-07-08
  • Last connection: 2009-07-21


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



10:01 Redmine Defect #3643: email notifications text and links
Ok. I fixed the links issues by configuring general settings in redmine, but I still have the issue of html tags show... Slava Mikerin
09:45 Redmine Defect #3643 (Closed): email notifications text and links
I configured redmine to send notifications and tested it on a sample issue. Here is what I received in my gmail. I se... Slava Mikerin


01:52 Redmine Feature #1460: Project Plan import/export utility
+1 Slava Mikerin


09:39 Redmine Feature #3597: Rails 2.3.4 support
Rails 2.3 is the latest stable version and needs to be supported regardless of MY needs. There are plenty of reasons ... Slava Mikerin
07:35 Redmine Feature #3597 (Closed): Rails 2.3.4 support
Redmine is falling behind times.. Rails 2.3 has been stable for a while and needs to be supported Slava Mikerin

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