

Abe Tomoaki

  • Login: abetomo
  • Registered on: 2024-02-15
  • Last connection: 2025-02-28


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 2 4



02:07 Redmine Defect #42332: "Edit this section" is shifted
HTML contained line break.
&lt;code&gt;title&lt;/code&gt; a</h3>
Abe Tomoaki
02:02 Redmine Defect #42332: "Edit this section" is shifted
The following changes fixed it.... Abe Tomoaki
01:58 Redmine Defect #42332 (Confirmed): "Edit this section" is shifted
I wrote the following markdown:... Abe Tomoaki


02:18 Redmine Defect #42113: Redmine 5.x not starting with ActiveSupport Logger error
I was able to start it with 5.0 and 5.1.
Thanks for the support.
Abe Tomoaki


03:05 Redmine Defect #42113: Redmine 5.x not starting with ActiveSupport Logger error
Thanks for the quick response.
I forgot to mention the 5.0-stable branch, sorry.
I get the same error on the 5.0-st...
Abe Tomoaki
00:44 Redmine Defect #42113 (Closed): Redmine 5.x not starting with ActiveSupport Logger error
When I try to start using the 5.1-stable branch on GitHub, it does not start with the following issue.
Abe Tomoaki


03:03 Redmine Feature #40489 (New): `copyTextToClipboard` to make it easy to see that you have copied to the clipboard
You can copy the URL of an issue by clicking `Copy Link`, but sometimes you think you have copied it, but you have no... Abe Tomoaki


00:07 Redmine Defect #40237: Error in autocomplete (`ActionController::BadRequest (Invalid query parameters: invalid %-encoding (%)`)
Thanks! Abe Tomoaki


07:43 Redmine Defect #40237 (Closed): Error in autocomplete (`ActionController::BadRequest (Invalid query parameters: invalid %-encoding (%)`)
If you type a character after `@` in issues, etc., it will auto-complete.
If the character contains `%`, an error is...
Abe Tomoaki

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