

Darshan Faldu

  • Login: faldu.darshan
  • Registered on: 2024-02-28
  • Last connection: 2024-06-10


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



08:18 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Redmine Email Notification Issue - Help Needed for Modern Authentication
Yes, I'm open to using Microsoft Graph API as an alternative SMTP service. However, I'm unsure how to configure it wi... Darshan Faldu


09:55 Redmine Patch #40325: Redmine Email Notification Issue - Help Needed for Modern Authentication
Thank you for your reply. We have checked based on our knowledge, and it appears SMTP Auth is enabled for our tenant ... Darshan Faldu


07:45 Redmine Patch #40325: Redmine Email Notification Issue - Help Needed for Modern Authentication
Hi Pavel Rosický,
Thank you for your prompt response and assistance.
I'd like to confirm that Multi-Factor Auth...
Darshan Faldu


15:08 Redmine Open discussion: Redmine Email Notification Issue - Help Needed for Modern Authentication
We've recently configured Redmine for our organization, and while everything seems to be working smoothly, we'...
Darshan Faldu
12:59 Redmine Patch #40325 (New): Redmine Email Notification Issue - Help Needed for Modern Authentication
We've recently configured Redmine for our organization, and while everything seems to be working smoothly, we'...
Darshan Faldu

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