

Mr Ahlawat

  • Login:
  • Organization: N/A
  • Location: Delhi, India
  • Registered on: 2024-04-22
  • Last connection: 2024-05-17


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



18:11 Redmine Help: RE: Custom UI for Tracker
Hi! James and Andy,
My requirement in Redmine is that when I create an issue and assign it to someone, the assignee ...
Mr Ahlawat


13:23 Redmine Help: Custom UI for Tracker
I want to add custom UI in the UI i want to display the names of USERs of particular project give them remarks Mr Ahlawat
09:47 Redmine Development: Redmine Ticket Body UI customization
I want to customize Redmine. Specifically, when I create an issue in my custom Redmine instance, I'd like to display ... Mr Ahlawat
09:45 Redmine Feature #40609 (Closed): I am a Redmine user and Lover
I want to do customisation in redmine.
I want that when i create issue in my custom redmine then In the ticket body ...
Mr Ahlawat

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