

Rob Maris

  • Login: rjmaris
  • Registered on: 2024-06-19
  • Last connection: 2024-06-19


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



23:42 Redmine Help: RE: Internal error after hitting issue create button (redmine 5.1.3 on Debian 11)
Thanks for quick identification of the problem cause.
At first I added the missing '&' in the code line. Well, then ...
Rob Maris
13:33 Redmine Help: Internal error after hitting issue create button (redmine 5.1.3 on Debian 11)

After successfully having installed redmine on a debian 11 server, I encounter the following error when I save a ne...
Rob Maris
13:16 Redmine Defect #40859: server start fails upon update to Ruby 3.1.6
Vincent Robert wrote in #note-1:
> However, WEBrick is not suitable for production environments because it is not a p...
Rob Maris
10:45 Redmine Defect #40859 (New): server start fails upon update to Ruby 3.1.6
After having installed redmine-5.1.3 onto my Debian 11 server, I encountered the problem that saving an issue results... Rob Maris

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