

Justin Hemming

  • Login:
  • Organization: Red Technology
  • Location: Eynsham, United Kingdom
  • Registered on: 2025-03-20
  • Last connection: 2025-03-20


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18:13 Redmine Wiki edit: HowTo_import_issues (#8)
"Parent" column header in example is wrong, should be "Parent Task" Justin Hemming
18:12 Redmine Defect #40348: Parent Task field not available in Import issues screen
Column header needs to be "Parent Task" Justin Hemming
18:01 Redmine Defect #40348: Parent Task field not available in Import issues screen
Justin Hemming wrote in #note-2:
> I also tried Pid as per #50972
Justin Hemming
18:01 Redmine Defect #40348: Parent Task field not available in Import issues screen
I also tried Pid as per #50972 Justin Hemming
17:51 Redmine Defect #40348: Parent Task field not available in Import issues screen
I second this - the How To guide indicates the column header should be "Parent" but this does not appear to be correct? Justin Hemming
18:03 Redmine Help: RE: example on issue import with parent task
I can't get the Parent task to be assigned using a column header of Parent or Pid; I am using #XXXX and the #XXXX tic... Justin Hemming

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