

Griffin Smith

  • Login: glittershark
  • Registered on: 2013-03-25
  • Last connection: 2013-03-26


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 0 1



18:31 Redmine Defect #13592: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique for git repository
Scratch that, it actually looks like it's trying to overwrite the same revisions, so somewhere the check to see if a ... Griffin Smith
17:12 Redmine Defect #13592: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique for git repository
SHA-1 is collision-resistant, but mathematically speaking there's no way it can be collision proof. In especially lar... Griffin Smith
18:23 Redmine Development: RE: Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
yesss please this. Griffin Smith


23:45 Redmine Defect #13592: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique for git repository
I've attached a patch that fixes this issue by prepending underscores to non-unique commit SHA-1s in a before_create ... Griffin Smith
23:28 Redmine Defect #13592 (New): ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique for git repository
I've installed Redmine and linked it to a git repository that's been running development for a very long time (heavy,... Griffin Smith

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