

Lionel Molinier

  • Login: x3n
  • Registered on: 2008-04-13
  • Last connection: 2008-08-28


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 2 3



21:03 Redmine Feature #1060: Add a LDAP-filter using external auth sources
I've recently updated my server to the 0.7.3 release and so my patch. I've been using it for months now and it works ... Lionel Molinier


09:01 Redmine Feature #1060 (Closed): Add a LDAP-filter using external auth sources
For now, the LDAP authentication does not support LDAP-filter, which can be helpful for some installation. This patch... Lionel Molinier
09:00 Redmine Patch #1059 (New): Fully integrates svn/dav apache authentication
This patch provides:
* User authentication based on the Redmine authentication module (including external source, su...
Lionel Molinier
08:40 Redmine Patch #1058 (Closed): reposman.rb patch to check if a project has the repository enabled before creating it!
This simple patch adds a SOAP primitive to check if the project has the repository module enabled before creating it ... Lionel Molinier

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