

j ronald

  • Login: jronald
  • Registered on: 2013-06-11
  • Last connection: 2022-09-27


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 1 4



17:03 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Failed when migrating db
Solved as below for csh/tcsh... j ronald
17:00 Redmine Defect #37706 (Resolved): Failed when migrating db
j ronald
16:59 Redmine Defect #37706: Failed when migrating db
Solved as below for csh/tcsh... j ronald


08:25 Redmine Defect #37706: Failed when migrating db
Tested on Linux, no problem for Linux, so it's FreeBSD specific. j ronald


04:35 Redmine Defect #37706 (Closed): Failed when migrating db
h3. Env
FreeBSD 13.1 amd64
Redmine 5.0.2
h3. Problem
Install redmine 5 following the offical doc at https:/...
j ronald


18:54 Redmine Open discussion: Failed when migrating db
Tested on Linux, no problem for Linux, so it's FreeBSD specific.
j ronald


11:24 Redmine Feature #33302 (New): What about the editor for "%Done" be a numeric editor with a spinbox
Currently it is a combobox with 11 options: 0%, 10%, ..., 100%
Recenctly I'm reading a book called "mini habit", and...
j ronald


05:00 Redmine Feature #20895 (New): Gantt: configurable start and end date
For example, I have 10 issues created around 2015.9.25, and be expected to be done around 2015.10.2. When it is 2015.... j ronald


08:22 Redmine Defect #14259: sub project show position problem
Sorry, the title should "sub project show position problem". j ronald
04:10 Redmine Defect #14259 (New): sub project show position problem
I have 2 problems:
1 In "My Page" view, sub project and its parent project shows in the same level, so I have to g...
j ronald

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