

David Spackman

  • Login: DavidSpackman
  • Registered on: 2013-08-20
  • Last connection: 2018-03-14


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



06:51 Redmine Help: Reorganise wiki pages
I need reorder pages one of our Redmine wiki
What is the quickest method to achieve this?
I would like to...
David Spackman


05:00 Redmine Help: RE: REST API issues.xml with start_date, due_date, done_ratio ?
Please ignore my question
I was attempting to update a task that had subtasks.
David Spackman
03:42 Redmine Help: REST API issues.xml with start_date, due_date, done_ratio ?
Is it possible to update the following issue attributes via the REST API?
* start_date
* due_date
* done_...
David Spackman
02:57 Redmine Feature #14717: API value for spent_hours does not include the sum of the spent_hours of the subtasks
For my use I did the follow quick fix
Added a new value to the API for (GET /issues/[id].[format]) to return
* to...
David Spackman
02:50 Redmine Feature #14717 (Closed): API value for spent_hours does not include the sum of the spent_hours of the subtasks
When querying an issue with the REST API ( ... David Spackman

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