

Omar Ramos

  • Login: orware
  • Registered on: 2008-04-25
  • Last connection: 2009-05-16


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



23:19 Redmine Feature #3369: Allowed/Disallowed email domains settings to restrict users' email addresses
Because our college is a little behind-the-times in that respect, we have an Active Directory server, but it is poorl... Omar Ramos
01:12 Redmine Feature #3369 (Closed): Allowed/Disallowed email domains settings to restrict users' email addresses
For using Redmine in an internal company situation it would be nice if we could do one or two of the following (some ... Omar Ramos


19:01 Redmine Feature #2074: Sending email notifications when comments are added in the news section
This was something I thought was built-in as well...I just started using Redmine here for a new project at the colleg... Omar Ramos


06:10 Redmine Open discussion: RE: Bulk User Add for Classroom Type Setting
Last night I began testing VisualSVN Server, which I could install quickly on my Windows XP machine here at home and ... Omar Ramos


02:36 Redmine Open discussion: Bulk User Add for Classroom Type Setting
This isn't available currently but I wanted to get a feel for what might be required for it to be accomplished in the... Omar Ramos

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