

Duncan Robertson

  • Login: Duncan
  • IRC nick: Duncan
  • Registered on: 2014-01-20
  • Last connection: 2014-04-14


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



13:00 Redmine Defect #16077: Table of contents macro conflicts with collapse macro
oops typo in version field, should read 2.4.2 Duncan Robertson


18:31 Redmine Wiki edit: Macro_Conflict (#2)
Duncan Robertson
18:28 Redmine Wiki edit: Macro_Conflict (#1)
Duncan Robertson
18:28 Redmine Defect #16077 (Closed): Table of contents macro conflicts with collapse macro
Using the collapse macro on page that also has a table of contents macro on it causes the contents of the last collap... Duncan Robertson


11:44 Redmine Feature #15918 (Closed): Managing "description" field
It should be possible to change the name or even remove the "Description" field.
I have made a copy of this bug as...
Duncan Robertson


16:12 Redmine Defect #15908 (Resolved): Regex email truncation not documented correctly
Hmm it seems that signing up gave me privileges to change that myself.
Done, resolving bug
Duncan Robertson
16:10 Redmine Defect #15908: Regex email truncation not documented correctly
I suggest the text be changed to
"(It is also possible to allow regex to be truncated, using the patch attached to t...
Duncan Robertson
12:48 Redmine Defect #15908 (Closed): Regex email truncation not documented correctly
I have been unable to configure the email truncation settings using a regular expression. I am not the only one havin... Duncan Robertson
16:12 Redmine Wiki edit: RedmineReceivingEmails (#64)
fixed ambiguity about regex truncation Duncan Robertson

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