

Kevin Tomba

  • Login: Shredator
  • Registered on: 2014-03-03
  • Last connection: 2014-05-14


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12:07 Redmine Help: Rest API - file attachment, upload token is not complete.
I'm working on a plugin which allows the user to attach files to a document, it's working pretty well except that som... Kevin Tomba


13:40 Redmine Help: Action "add_attachment" not supported by the API.
I'm working on a plugin which allow the user to synchronise his Dropbox with the Redmine documents, I created the two... Kevin Tomba


10:06 Redmine Help: RE: Can't verify token authenticity token error while trying to attach a new file to a document
I've updated my code like this:... Kevin Tomba


15:25 Redmine Help: Can't verify token authenticity token error while trying to attach a new file to a document
Version used:
Redmine 2.4.2
Ruby 1.9.3
Rails 3.2.16
I'm working on a plugin and I would like to attach a ne...
Kevin Tomba


15:18 Redmine Help: Undefined method while sending POST data
Version used:
Redmine 2.4.2
Ruby 1.9.3-p392
Rails 3.2.16
Redmine allows the user to add files to a document m...
Kevin Tomba


16:02 Redmine Plugins: Accessing Redmine controllers via plugin
I'm learning some Ruby On Rails for a projet in my technical university and I'm trying to improve an already e...
Kevin Tomba

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