0.9 Feature Freeze
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
I propose we freeze 0.9's features on Tuesday December 22nd, 2009. That will give us two weekends to finish up the remaining features. After the 22nd, we should branch the "trunk" into a 0.9-stable and only commit bugfixes and translations to there in preparation for the release. This way we can have some time to stabilize the core and create release candidates but also continue development in trunk for 1.0.
Eric Davis
Replies (3)
RE: 0.9 Feature Freeze
Added by André H. over 15 years ago
Sounds good to me. So the real release would be in January, right?
I would like to help on the german translation if help is needed. In the current trunk revision are some strings, that haven't been translated yet. Should I create a new issue and append a patch to it when I did some work on it? I couldn't find anything about this on your "Howto contribute"-wiki page.
RE: 0.9 Feature Freeze
Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago
Core stabilization may take some time considering the features that were recently added.
I think the RC1 can be planned on January 10th.
RE: 0.9 Feature Freeze
Added by Clark Nu over 15 years ago
have been keep watching 0.9 process for some days, seems the remaining work time didn't change during the last 2 weeks.
now it's already the freezen time, so anyone got clues when 0.9 suppose to be released ?