


Add a repository

Added by Lorenzo Bugiani about 14 years ago

Hi all,
I've installed Redmine, but i've a problem.
when I create a project, I don't know how set-up a svn repository.
In previous version, redmine create automatically a repository for a new project, but now? it is necessary to have a svn server external?
Someone could help me?

Replies (3)

RE: Add a repository - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Redmine won't autocreate repositories for you, you have to setup a cronjob for that, see HowTo_Automate_repository_creation

RE: Add a repository - Added by Lorenzo Bugiani about 14 years ago

Ok, and if I would like to create a repository manually, how I can do that in redmine? thanks.

RE: Add a repository - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

You need to create the repository yourself and connect redmine to it afterwards, repository creation depends on your OS and what you are serving the repository over.
